Our RSVP volunteers
Help children increase academic performance
Help local law enforcement better serve the public
Help homebound elderly residents remain living in their own homes
Serve the needs of the communities in the event of a disaster
Help children/young adults learn life skills
Assist families in need
Provide diverse support to public, nonprofit, and healthcare agencies
Complete a Volunteer Application to let us know more about you and your interests.
Come to an RSVP Volunteer Orientation to learn about RSVP and the benefits of becoming a volunteer.
Let RSVP staff support you and get you plugged in to the best volunteer opportunities for you.
Experience the rewards of sharing your time and talents to make a difference in the community!
Becoming a Volunteer

Central Iowa RSVP has provides three core services - Volunteer Management for those aged 55 and older, the Transportation Program in Story County, and Volunteer Management for Emergencies. ​
The Volunteer Coordinators at Central Iowa RSVP work with local organizations who have a need for volunteers, and then work to find the best volunteers for the job.
55+ Volunteer Management
The RSVP Transportation Program provides Story County's older adults with safe and reliable transportation to and from medical appointments and other essential services within the county.
Transportation Program
Central Iowa RSVP assists in managing volunteers during emergency situations in Story County through Volunteer Reception Centers, non-emergency phone banks, tip hotlines, Points of Distribution, and more.
Volunteer Management for Emergencies
Retired & Senior Volunteer Program
About Central Iowa RSVP
RSVP Projects in the State of Iowa

RSVP provides a proven and effective infrastructure to recruit, screen, and place volunteers in public and nonprofit organizations meeting local needs throughout Iowa.
See the impact RSVP made in the state of Iowa in 2024. View the Annual Report.